Cooking for the holidays? Here are my favorite tips for cooking ergonomically.

- Standing on hard kitchen floors can cause back pain. Be sure to wear comfortable, supportive shoes if you will be standing at the stove for hours. You can also use mats or even a yoga mat to stand on to reduce stress to your feet, legs and back.
- Careful lifting heavy objects out of the oven. Take advantage of the sliding oven grate so you can get the pan closer to you. If your oven is low, bend your knees and pull the heavy pan towards you and then lift up to the counter.
- Stand close to the counter when cooking and keep items in front of you. When we stand too far from the counter, we tend to bend forward and this can increase pressure in your lower back.
- Plan ahead. Know where you are going to put down heavy objects like presents or dishes.
- Stay hydrated. Holiday eating and drinking can take a toll on your body, especially if you are relying on caffeine to keep you moving and awake. Dehydration can cause an increase in back pain, so keep that water handy.
- Go for a walk, stretch, get the family involved in some morning yoga! Move more during the holidays